Wednesday, August 29, 2012

CTN 2012!!!

Hey guys, I’m happy to announce that I will be hosting a table, along with my friend and colleague Derek Becker, at the 2012 CTN Animation expo!! I am super excited to be part of such an amazing event with so many talented people! We will be selling a lot of prints, some old some new. Our table number is T106 (see map below).  Please stop by and say hi! For those who are interested in going, the expo is November 16-18,  click on the CTN badge on the right and don't forget to mention my name. I will be posting more art as the event gets closer. Stay tuned! 

This painting is part of a story that I have been writing for several years. I started it in college and I decided to revisit this particular scene. I hope you like it!! 

Booth T106


Gio M. said...

Wow. Stunning work Mr.Norton.

Unknown said...

Beautiful painting! The lighting is exquisite!

Nicholas Hong said...

I personally like the nature but this definitely has great emotional energy between characters and environment. Can't wait to see more^^

C.Deboda said...

Wow indeed. Really great work on your blog! Looking forward to seeing more at ctnx.