Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gone Fishin

CTN is in one week!! I love this convention and it will be even better to be a part of it this year. I also wanted to share my latest piece titled "Gone Fishin".  More development for a personal project involving a little cave girl and her father.
    Oh and I also recently launch my first online gallery via Etsy. Stop on by and check it out!


Unknown said...

Beautiful illustration!

Kevin Phung said...

That's amazing *-*

...johnjohn said...

Hi I love your artwork! I found your art by through the laguna college website. I'm applying to the animation program and I'm wondering how it is? by the looks of it you're receiving a great education.

Jason Norton said...

Hannah and Kichi: Thank you! I'm really glad you both like my new painting! It was so much fun to make.

...: Yes, Laguna is good school and their program just keeps getting better each year. Like with all things I had some negative experiences but overall I had a good time and learned a lot. I hope that helped :)

Tegan Clancy said...

Was awesome to meet you at CTN last year! And Wow! your art is amazing, I have subscribed and can not wait to see more!